Monday, April 14, 2008

Quick Fix Review: HGUC 1/144 Nu Gundam

Quick Fix Review:

The 1/144 HGUC Nu Gundam

I had seen on the net - I forget which site, sorry - that the Double Fin-Fannel Wing was doable. And once I got my hands on one kit in the store, I checked the parts...and indeed, it was possible! So without further ado, I bought two kits and proceeded to modify.

Points of interest:

1) The knee joints are designed to be able to take the stress of the extra weight the wings bring to the kit - still sags, so the trick is really to properly pose it.

2) The "mechanical" joint areas are now in gunmetal/metallic grey, rather than neutral grey.

3) The helmet comes as one piece - no more nightmares for people who putty and sand. And there's internal detail under the back flange of the helmet, too.

4) The rifle can be gripped well - a big difference from the MG Kit.

5) the Fannels are fully-articulated and detailed.

6) there are internal details for the calves, but not much else - unless you consider the detailing on the underside of the waist-plates to be important.

7) The backup sabers and mountings are fully-articulated as well.

8) The shield uses Hazel-type connectors - I guess it's the standard now.

9) The proportions are somewhat in-between Izubuchi and Katoki - but the overall result is that it simply looks good.

10) The Bazooka mount swings, so it can technically go into position for "back-fire."

11) On the Minus side...the left hands are a downer. One is an open hand, and the other is a closed fist - no fist for saber-gripping or trigger-grips.

All in all, this is a very satisfying kit - if only it had more useful hands.

1 comment:

Doctor Core said...

Nice job! Excellent photography this time (assuming the pix for Exia Astrea weren't deliberately grainy? :)

Would you explain in a new post or edit the post (not follow-up comment) if any modification was needed to do the double-wing? Or it's already prêt-à-porter?