Saturday, April 5, 2008

Gundam 00 Season 1- slightly different perspective?

I have to disagree with Dr. Core on some things about it:

Politics/Society: 0 - I'd give it more of a 3 because of the links to the mid-east conflicts and the focus on how the "major" powers (Union, AEU, HRL) control the Solar power system to keep their interests first. It's not the most original look at things, but it doesn't leave me suspending disbelief and it holds together enough so that I don't have to sit back and wonder "why" all the time when I see how the "world" works.

Atmosphere/Credibility: 1 - I'll call it a 2/3. I thought it was doing well, until Coners pulled out that tacky mobile armor at the end and Graham seemed to go off the deep end in his battle with Setsuna in Ep. 25. Despite that, I still enjoyed the show without having to turn my brain completely off.

Human drama: 1 - I'd say more of a 3, again. There were some really good moments with Setsuna going back and forth between his youth as a guerrilla and the "present", but they seem to be saving the majority of the character development for season 2.

On another note, I was surprised in that I thought Saji, Louise, and Marina seemed to be less of empty shells and more of reflections showing the reactions of the world around them. They were still very passive throughout the first season, but I expect to see them take more leading roles in the second season

Characters (villains): 1 - Some of them turned out to be very disappointing. I expected more of Graham and Conners, but at least Ali remained the unrepentant sociopath. I'm not sure if you'd call him a villain, but the more I see of Sergei, the more I like him.

And what's the deal with Wang? I can't tell if she's just very comitted to "the plan" or a little on the sociopathic side herself.

As for the Fansubs - have to give thumbs up to what I've seen also. Still, call me old fashioned and such, but I'm hoping the show gets listened in North America and I can get the DVDs for it.

I really enjoy this show after the train wreck that was Destiny and the freash take on the Gundam universe.

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